Holiday Care Package

Send care packages for the holidays direct to your student’s dorm room, apartment, or fraternity/sorority.

Choose specific holidays from the choices below, or purchase the full year.

High Holidays – Students will receive a beautifully wrapped package of honey cake, apple, honey sticks, and more, with your best wishes for a Happy and Sweet New Year!

Chanukah – A Menorah, candles, donuts, dreidels and lots more will remind your student that Chanukah is on the way. The extra nosh for finals won’t hurt either.

Purim – We’ll deliver a beautiful pre-Purim Mishloach Manot to your students. Hamantashen, gragger, Book of Esther, and so much more!

Passover – Get your student ready for Passover with Matzah, fruit, Passover goodies, and Seder information…

Care Package Form

Checks can be mailed to Chabad @ USC at 2713 Severance St. LA, CA 90007.

Credit Card payment can be processed below this form.

Thank you!

A care package is $50 each. All proceeds go directly to supporting our Jewish community at USC.

Click below to be redirected to the Donate Page.

Thank you!

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Holiday Gift Package