David's Sukkah
הרחמן הוא יקים לנו את סוכת דוד הנופלת
לע"נ דוד בן משה חיים ז"ל

Dr. David Dana of blessed memory spent many years actively involved with Chabad at USC and Chabad of Downtown. The Danas all became like family to the Wagners and Greenwalds.

Together, both of these communities have chosen to create a memorial in perpetuity to Dr. Dana by dedicating the Sukkot activities at USC in his eternal memory. This is especially appropriate for a number of reasons:

  • The Dana family first attended Chabad @ USC on Sukkot, and were regulars for Sukkot for many years.
  • Chabad of Downtown joins with Chabad @ USC every Sukkot, merging these two beloved communities that were such an important part of David’s life.
  • David passed away on the night before Sukkot.
  • In the Sukkot prayers, we ask for G-d Almighty to re-establish for us the fallen Sukkah of David.
Going forward, all of the activities for the students at Chabad @ USC and the community members of Chabad of Downtown, each and every year, will be known as David’s Sukkah, keeping David’s memory alive through the thousands of Mitzvahs that will be done in his honor. Please join in this special endeavor by choosing one of the memorial dedications below.
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Please send check donations to 2713 Severance St. Los Angeles, CA 90007. Please specify that it is for the David’s Sukkah Memorial.

For Venmo donations send to www.venmo.com/chabadusc or scan Venmo barcode above.